On Saturday, October 12 Gunnedah Aero Club celebrated its annual dinner at Quirang Country Gardens. The annual award for Pilot of the Year was presented to Roger Miller by club captain Peter Middlebrook . The Clubman of the Year was awarded to Ryan Taylor with Trevor Worboys being recognised for his fantastic assistance in upgrading club facilities.
President Harvey Stoneman presented certificates to pilots for achieving their private pilot’s license. These members were Kayla Smith, Zach Crowhurst, Brendon MacKellar and Aaron Goddard. Matt White, Trevor Worboys and Lochie MacArthur were recognised for achieving their first solo flight.
Those in attendance were entertained after dinner by retiring Chief Flying Instructor Peter Goodhew from Macquarie Pilot Training. Peter’s videos of landing on bush air strips in PNG kept the audience spellbound.
All present agreed that the past year has been a great success with planning starting for the upcoming year.
The club’s annual general meeting will be held on Wednesday, October 22.